"Hello?" Dean answered with a slight grogginess in his voice. Right afterward, there's a slight pause on the line. A few seconds he hears the voice that he wish that didn't have to hear.
Automatic Female Voice
You have a collect call from inmate (Leah) in Lees County if you wish to accept the charges please press 1 or press 2 to decline.
Dean groans out again as he sits up in his bed staring at the dim light on his phone. His mind was rolling debating on what he was going to do. But since he didn't make a selection at the time that the operator had requested it repeated the same statement once more.
Finally, Dean selected a choice. 
Automatic Female Voice:
Thank you, please hold 
There was a brief pause until a female came on the line. "Took you long enough," she scoffed through the line
Dean rolled over sitting upright on his bed as he really wanted to hang the phone up but decided in the end to not. "What did you do this time, Leah?" 
"Does it really matter? Just come and pick me up," Leah hissed back on to him
"It does so tell me," Dean return back to her. 
"Look, I only have five minutes to talk and so far I've already used 3 minutes of it, so are you going to come and pick me up or not?"
"Is there a please in that?" Dean teased back. 
She laughed through the line, "there's your answer, now pick me up." Right after that, Dean hears the slamming of the receiver hitting down and then his phone call ended.
He let out another loud sigh wanting to crawl back into his bed and cover his bed with his covers but oh no that wasn't going to happen. As he heads out of his room, he curses himself to thinking that he could get some decent sleep.
He rubs the back of his neck before getting up and finding a dark pair of jeans and comfortable white shirt to put on. He then grabs his phone slipping it into his pocket. 
The night was quiet, too quiet and that only means that Leah was up to no good. . Deans heads downstairs grabbing his keys and wallet from the dish by the front door and a hoodie from out of the closet in the process. He slips on some comfortable shoes as he walks out of his place to his car.
He pressed the unlock mechanism on his keychain and the click as open the door hopping inside. Once more he looked at the clock on his car viewing the time of 04:45 AM.
"Shit," he said to himself.  It was going to take him at least 45 minutes to get to the jailhouse to bail out his friend. 
He started the engine to his car and waited a few minutes before reversing his car back and then pulling out onto the main road. 
As he drove to his destination, Dean turned on his radio to listen to music to keep himself awake.
It was going on 6 am in the morning when Dean arrived in the parking lot of the county jail. He parked his car and turned off the engine and just glared out looking at the gray stone building in front of him. 
He pressed his forehead onto the steering wheel, wishing that he would rather be home than here at the moment. "Why does she always do this to me," He asked himself. 
Dean dragged his tired body out of the car closing it behind him and shoving his hands in his hoodie's pocket as he walked towards the building. He pulled the handle to the door and welcome himself inside the building. 
Standing on the other side of a bulletproof window was an elderly woman who was busy tapping on the computer in front of him. Dean took a deep breath and lifted up a hand tapping at the window. 
The elderly woman stopped tapping on the keyboard and turned to notice Dean. She adjusted her glasses and give him a small smile. "Hello, Dean, how are you doing today?"
Dean sighs returning a sad smile back to the woman. "Same o, Same o," he replied back. 
The elderly woman nodded and placed her hand under her chin. "Are you here to place Leah?"
Dean leaned forward on the counter in front of him. He sunk his head down before lifting it back up. "Unfortunately, do you know by chance of why she was arrested, Ms. Song?"
Ms. Song turned her head and quickly tapped Leah's information seeing if she could pull up the reason that Lean was arrested. 
While waiting Dean tapped his fingers on the counter waiting patiently for his answer but unfortunately he wasn't going to get his answer. "I'm sorry Dean, it's showing that her case is pending at that moment," she stated to him. 
Dean slammed his fist on the counter as he bit the bottom of his lip. "It's okay, maybe she'll tell me. How much is her bail?" He asked, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. 
She pointed her finger up in the air, "that I can tell you." 
Again she tapped her fingers on the keyboard and Dean waited. "Mmm, bail $1000," she told him. 
"Lovely," Dean groaned, taking out his card and handing it over to the woman. 
She takes it and does the necessary to process Leah from her cell. "Honestly, Dean I don't understand why you do this for her," she sadly said, shaking her head. 
"Yeah, I don't know either," Dean said in return. 
Finally, the process was completed and the woman got up walking to the back. Dean now did what he normally does once the process has been completed. He goes in sits down on one of the chairs, waiting once more patiently. 
He leans back in his chair and closes his eyes to get a couple of winks. 
Seconds turned into minutes until Dean heard some noises coming from the back. He opens his eyes and noticed a tall man bringing a dark skin woman up to the front with her hands behind back smirking. 
The officer released her as the old woman pulled up some papers for Leah to sign. She laughs and makes comments towards the two people who always laughs with her. 
The paperwork was signed and the another buzzed happened to allow Leah to go through the doors to meet up with Dean. 
She eyed Dean changing her expression from happiness to rudeness. "Took you long enough," she grumped, rubbing her wrist due to having them handcuffed earlier.
"I'm here aren't I," Dean feeling annoyed that she didn't even say thank you for helping her out. 
"Pfft, whatever, just take me home," she ordered, already brushing passed Dean and heading towards the exit. 
Dean followed behind her but a loud outcry stopped them. "Leah, you forgot your paperwork," the elderly woman said. 
Leah stopped in her tracks turning around to head back. The frown that she had on her face towards Dean was now an excited happy good lucky expression as she literally skipped back to the woman. "Thank you, Ms. Song," Leah told the woman, leaning over the counter to grab the papers.
The woman smirk at Leah, "you're welcome but I don't want to see you again, I understood? You're too pretty to be in jail."
Leah took the papers and rolled them up slipping them inside her back pocket. "Thank you for the compliment but I can't make promises," she winked to the woman before turning around to leave once more. 
Dean, Ms. Song and the officer that brought Leah up to the front all shook their heads knowing that they will all go through the same ordeal once again with Leah. 
On his heels of his shoes, Dean headed back out of the building as they both walked to his vehicle. "So are you going to tell me what this time was about?"
He asked unlocking the door and the both of them getting inside his car. 
Leah rolled her eyes, "does it matter?"
"Uh yeah it does," Dean shot back at her. "This shit is getting old, Leah. You're always doing something stupid and I'm the one having to bail you out each time."
Leah turned her head ignoring Dean as she rolled down the window. In front of them, the sun was starting to come up and Leah shut her eyes before leaning back in the seat. "I'm tired just take me home."
- The first chapter is up. 
- Gives you a little insight to Dean and Leah's relationship 
- let me know what you do think
