Always There CH. 2


Erika shoots her head up after introducing herself to the class. She scans the room as all eyes stared back at her until the teacher interrupts. "Thank you, Miss Jacobs, why don't you take a seat Lee Taemin, yes, Mr. Lee, please raise your arm so Miss Jacobs will know who you are."
Erika scans the room once more until she noticed a hand raise up in the air. "Uh, thank you, Mr. Lee, go ahead and proceed over there, Miss Jacobs"
Erika bows slightly before following the hand that was raised and sat in the seat behind Taemin. She took off her backpack and placed it behind her chair before turning back around to see the person in front now had their head down.
She taps her fingers on her desk feeling anxious as the teacher taught the class. Just then the teacher decided to split up the class into groups of two so they could get to know each other.
She found out the person in front of her will be her partner who currently was fast asleep. She leaned over her desk tapping him on top of his head. "Excuse me but we were assigned to work together," she explains.
At first, Taemin tries to ignore her but her constant tapping caused him to wake up and turned his attention to her. "Yes?" He ask, annoying
"Well hi to you too but Mr. Kim wants us to work together."
Taemin lets out a slightly annoyed groan before turning his desk around to face Erika. As he did, their knees brushed up against each other. Taemin was a little taken back but Erika didn't seem to mind since she was tapping her pencil on the desk as she glanced over the questions that they needed to answer. 
She looked up to Taemin who had his hand underneath his chin and was slowly falling back to sleep. "Yah, do you want to go first or should I go first?"
Not really caring who goes first, Taemin just waved his hands in the air. Normally, he is never this rude but today sleep was taking over his body and that's is all he really wanted to do. "I guess I'll ask you questions then," Erika said, sighing. 
She looked down at the paper and randomly picked a question to ask Taemin. "So where are you from?"
"From Seoul," Taemin answered.
"And what do you like to do?" 
"Dance," answered with a yawn
"Your birthday?"
"It's July 18," another yawn from Taemin.
"Do you have any siblings?"
"An older hyung," Taemin answered.
"Am I boring you?"
"Yes,"  Taemin answered, yawning out again.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"I would prefer that right now," Taemin responded saying in the end.
Taemin was now fast to sleep after answering the last question from Erika. Just then Mr. Kim walked over to their desk and tapped his pointer stick on Taemin's desk. "I know that you had a long weekend Mr. Lee but you need to focus on what's in front of you."
Taemin nodded his head as he took the paper that Erika was holding and read the questions. 
"So where are you born?" He asked 
"Seoul," she told him. 
Taemin looked up as she told him where she was from. 
"I guess you don't believe me, huh? Is it because of my complexion?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest. 
"I mean, it's not like that," he said nervously. He was just taken back by the way she came so forward about the question. 
She reached into her pocket and pulled out her ID and tossed it over to him. 
"Here's proof," she told him. 
Taemin stared down at the ID card. It was true she was born in Seoul. He stared hard again at the ID before she snatched it back and placed it back into her pocket.
"I was born here in Seoul, my mother is black and was born in the United States and father is Korean. They met, fell in love, got married and had me."
Taemin was scratching his head, that could explain how good her Korean was. "My father worked for a well-known company and didn't have time for us, so my mother left him and moving back to the states. She ended up getting remarried to someone else and my parent shares joint custody of me and so this year I'm here in Seoul."
He then looked at her. "Where do you like the most?" he asked her after she explained her background. 
She taps the side of her face as she thought about the question. "Here actually, I have more freedom to do what I want since I don't see my father that much." 
"More freedom?" For some reason, Erika's background was becoming interesting to him since he rarely had freedom due to either being in a practice room or at an event. 
"My father spends so much time traveling that I rarely see him, so I sometimes go and see my father's mother if I want to have a Korean style cooking. You should join me sometimes," she turned her eyes towards Taemin and smiles. 
Taemin put his pencil down after hearing her request. "Uh, that's a no, no," he answered back. 
Erika pouts to his answer, "why not?"
"The person who I am should not be hanging out with a girl," he stated. 
She leaned forward from her seat and was an inch away from Taemin, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. 
"Why not?"
Taemin swallowed the split that was inside his mouth. She was so close to him that they could almost kiss. 
"Um, it's because of who I am," he answered. 
"And that is?" she was so close that the other classmates were staring at them. 
"I'm a part of a group," Taemin stated.
"A group what kind of group?" Erika asked curiously.
"A Kpop group," Taemin answered, placing his hands on his chin.
"So is that why you say you like to dance?" She asked him. 
All Taemin could do is nod his head. She was just too close to him and he was feeling just a little bit too uncomfortable with it. 
Finally, she moved back from him and pulled out her phone that was inside her pocket. She taps on the screen until her eyes lit up. She turned the phone to face Taemin when he saw a picture of himself staring back at him. "Is that you?"
Taemin nodded his head once more
Taemin nodded his head once more. 
She snorts as she pulled back the phone and looked at the picture and then back to Taemin. "Mhm, you look different," she stated. 
Taemin starts to laugh out loud which caused everyone in the room including the teacher to glance over at them. 
He quickly covered his mouth to cover up his laughter. Erika was still looking at the photo when she lifts up one eye up to Taemin. "Well, Mr. Lee Taemin at least I was able to make you laugh." 
She stuck out her hand for him to shake. "Let's be friends," she said, smiling. 
Taemin nodded his head as he took Erika's hands. Maybe having a female friend won't be so bad after all, he thought. 



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