Mystery Lover Ch. 12

12 ~ Friendships that never dies

Taemin was getting ready for a surprise performance for his fans. As he was getting ready his phone started going off. The stylist was doing his hair so he couldn't lean down to pick it up. The phone stopped for a second and then once more it started up again. The stylist noticed it too and offered to pick up the phone for Taemin. He thanked her and looked at the screen to see who was calling him.
It was an unknown number.
Taemin sucks his teeth as he put the phone in his lap. This has been the 20th or what he could remember of how many times that he had to change his number due to receiving unknown calls.
"Done," the stylist said, stepping back to admire her work. 
Taemin bowed down and headed over to put on his outfit for his performance. As he sat down warming up his vocals, his phone started to ring once again. And as always it was an unknown number.
He got up from his chair and walked over to where his manager was sitting. "Hyung, could you do me a favor?"
His manager looked up to him, "what's up?"
"I keep getting unknown callers again. Could you contact the phone service to have my number changed again?"
His manager sighed, getting up from the chair that he was in and taking the phone. "Isn't this the umpteenth time we had to change your number?"
"Yeah, it is..."
"Lee Taemin you're on in five minutes," interrupted the stage manager.
The manager waved Taemin away so he could head on stage. Just like before, the phone started to ring again and this time the manager answered the phone.
"Thank you everyone, this moment is for you and I want to thank everyone for supporting me."
Taemin bows to his fan as they cheered for him.
He turns to head down the steps and noticed his manager standing off the stage waiting for him. In his hand he was holding Taemin's phone. "Thanks hyung, were you able to change my number?"
His manager nodded his head. "Yeah, but the person that was calling sounded very upset on the phone. She said that she knew you and wanted to speak with you about something."
"She knew me?" Taemin said with a skeptical look.
"That is what she stated," he explained. "At first I thought that it was a crazy fan calling you but she said something that not too many people knew about you."
Now Taemin was starting to become worried. "Did she tell you her name?"
"I think it sounded like E...rika....I something like that.... hey, Taemin...where are you going?!"
Before Taemin's manager could say anything else Taemin was out the exit door. He looked around the parking lot to see if he could noticed anything out of the normal. But all he could see was shouting fans screaming his name. He bowed to them until he saw in the distance a curly brown hair female getting into the cab.
"Taemin? Taemin?! Why did you leave out by yourself?" His manager shouted. He bent down panting hard due to having just ran behind Taemin.
"Did she give you anything?" Taemin questioned, turning back to face his manager. 
His manager slips his hand into his coat's pocket pulling out a small piece of paper. Taemin quickly takes the paper from his manager's hands and scan the information that is on it. It had a number on it and address.
"This address looks familiar," he said, placing the paper in his pocket.
Taemin quickly heads to his car and unlocks the door. "Where are you going?" his manager asked. He was now leaning on the car waiting for Taemin to respond. 
Taemin started up the vehicle and placed the car into drive. "Family business," he answered before speeding off.
Taemin drove like a manic. Something that he normally doesn't really do but something wasn't right.
As he drove he noticed that he was heading out from Seoul and now was in the outskirts area that was starting to look familiar. As he continued to drive, the tall buildings were changing now to small little houses until his GPS alerted him that he was at his destination. He pulled over to the side just to see, the female from before get out of the cab.
He got out quickly and ran over to the woman.
The woman stopped in her tracks turning to face the voice that called out her name. She tightly held onto the jacket that she was wearing as Taemin stepped up to her.
"Rika...." Is all that he could say while wrapping his arms around Erika's body.
He held her tightly as he kept thinking that this was all a dream and he would wake up any moment to realizes that it was. Erika was being held on so tightly that she had to push herself away just to get air.
Laughing nervously, Taemin stepped back to look at his friend. She looked the same but older. Some of her curly brown hair was sticking out from her ponytail due to the wind. She was wearing a large coat that covered up her body but you could still see that she was wearing skinny jeans and a navy blue sweater.
She stared at Taemin for the longest, honestly for the reason that he looked different to her as well. He wasn't the young man that she met five years ago. He had a more mature look to him.
Caught in his looks, Erika didn't realized that Taemin had walked up to her once again and had his hands on her shoulder.
"Rika, what's wrong?" He asked her.
She shook her head biting the bottom part of her lip. For a person that Taemin hasn't seen in over five years was standing in front of him had a worried expression on her face.
She was picking at her fingernails as she stares down at the ground. Finally, hot tears started to hit the ground. Taemin walked up towards Erika and wrapped his arms around her again. Whatever she was feeling right now, he wanted to be there for her. Heal whatever pain she was going through at this time.
For the longest, he held her until a weird feeling hit her once again. A queasy feeling building up inside her stomach that caused her to break the hug and run back inside her grandmother's house and straight to the bathroom.
She was in there for the longest until water started to run and then it was turned off. Erika opens the door stepping out to see Taemin standing across from her with his arms crossed. He didn't say anything or ask any questions to her. He knew and all Erika could do was place her head down feeling weak or even useless.
Still staring down at the hardwood tile, Erika's emotions were running a muck again. Tears appeared again as a hand came up out of nowhere to lift up her head. Her dark brown eyes were staring back at a set of blue contact eyes.
Taemin sighed deeply before removing his hand from her chin and stepping away.

© memorizedsightings
All rights reserved the story is mine, not the characters used. 
