'They say all good things come to an end or a new when one chapter closes and another one opens up.'
Ah, look at me being all poetic and stuff, my Literature instructor would be proud.
But anyway the saying is true, just before my graduation from high school, our parents passed away.
It was sad for us but I believe that they died doing what they loved and of course they were together doing it.
So it was it left just Chansung and me alone.
I was eighteen and he was sixteen years old. I believe that the death of our parent's affected him a lot more than it did me.
But as the big sister that I was, I had to play my part and take care of him.
He finished school and so now it was Summer break. We were both in the house just looking at all of the stuff that belongs to our parents. In one month, I would have to leave which would leave Chansung by himself alone in the house.
One day, while I was in my parent's room packing up their stuff, he walked in.
"I did it," he said.
I placed a picture of us inside the box. "Did what?"
Him being taller than me, he leans over handed me a magazine. It was the same magazine that he was reading about 6 months ago.
The Korean one.
I look at the magazine. The page that he had it on was for constipation. "If you were having problems going to the bathroom, then you should see a doctor."
He gives me a weird look before snatching the magazine away. "No, not that, Noona."
I hear him flip the page and hand the magazine back to me. "I did this," he added.
I laugh a little before seeing what he was talking about. It was the ad for new trainees for JYP.
I look at the ad but everything was mostly in Korean. "How am I supposed to know what it says if I can't read it?"
I throw him back the magazine with frustration.
He catches it in the air and rolls his eyes. "I signed up for it and they choose me."
"Good for you, want a cookie," I said, sarcastically.
Next thing I know, I'm being hit in the head with the same magazine. "You must seriously have a death wish," I mumbled.
He ignores me and starts explaining to me what it says. "They are looking for Asians from all parts of the world to become trainees for their company."
"And I like I said, I got in."
I sit on my parent's bed reeling in all that he said. "So are you going to go?"
He sits down next to me and places the now rolled up magazine in between his legs. "That's the thing, I don't know."
I turn to him and stare at him. "I think you shouldn't."
"I shouldn't, why shouldn't I?"
Then I started to smile. "Well, isn't it that anytime I tell you to do something, you do the opposite."
I click my teeth at him.
He huffs getting up from the bed. "But I would have to leave and live in South Korea."
I lift up my shoulders, I'm confused, why is that a bad thing?
"Chansung, do it, this is once in a lifetime opportunity for you and you should do it. I'll be leaving to go to school in London in a month, which would leave you by yourself. With this, you would we able to enjoy yourself and do something that you love."
I lift up the magazine and press it against his chest. "Go."
A month has gone by and the both of us have packed up all of the stuff that we were going to take with us to either London or Seoul. Since we knew that we weren't coming back to our home. We thought it would be best to just go ahead and sell the house, splitting the profit in between.
With the money from the house, at least the both of us would be fine, on top of the money that we also received from the settlement as well.
We took a cab and headed to the airport.
One of us will be going one side of the world and the other on the opposite side of the world.
I handed him his ticket that would take him to Seoul.
He took his ticket and passport. While at the same moment I felt wetness hit my hand.
"Are you crying?"
He tries to turn away but I pull him back. "Come, come."
He engulfs me into a hug and holds me tight. 'Seriously, what is this boy eating?'
I beat him on his back so he could let me go.
I could hear on the intercom that his flight was ready for passengers to board.
I literally had to push him to go. He turns back looking at me as I wave goodbye to him.
"YOU'LL DO FINE, CHANSUNG!!" I yell out, causing everyone to look at me.
He covers his face to avoid being connected to me.
'How rude.'
I stand there and wait until he boards his plane and disappears through the tunnel. Next, it was my turn, I pick up my bag and head the opposite direction.
I take a deep breath before stepping towards the check-in location.
(a/n: London, brace yourselves, Hurricane Logan is coming.)
(c) memorizedsightings
(c) memorizedsightings
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