Kira walked away from the two men, who for one was crying nonstop and the other who couldn't take his eyes off of her. She needed to get away so she scrolled back in the room she woke up in earlier. She placed herself on the bed and looked around the room.
Closing her eyes, she tried to remember what happened over twelve hours ago. Flashes of today started to form in her mind. She remembered the drive up to Seoul and how her guardian asking her if she needed help with this mission. Never in all the times that she has ever done a mission he has ever asked to help. This one time she is attacked and almost killed. Escaping she finds him dead in their vehicles.
She touched her face and felt the wetness of tears falling down her face. She was trained to never cry and that's what she was doing. The man who was always there for her. Was dead. He was more of a father than her real one. She scruffs thinking about the so-called man who claims to be her father. She then thought of what that mark said about her being a pawn. Was that true? Was she just being used to kill off her father's opponents?
She stared at the bracelet on her wrist. Kira thought back at what he told her before locking the bracelet on her wrist. "Kill those on this list and you will be free." She smirked wrestling with the bracelet on her wrist. I don't think I'll ever have this removed she thought.
She placed her head down using her hands to cover her face. What people said about me is true I was right. I am a monster.
Kira wanted to scream out but no sound came out of her mouth. Right at that moment, a knocked brought Kira back to her senses. She peeked up and noticed Hanbin standing at the door.
Even though, Hanbin was finally able to get the rest if the information out from Tablo. It concerned him that he helped a trained killer. At any moment, she could attack him and also kill him without batting an eyelash. She told up trying to wipe away to tears from her eyes.
"I was able to settle him down, so he can help us," he told her. He turned to leave when he remember that she couldn't speak Korean. He turned back around. "Come." From him saying that she followed him.
Somehow they are going to have to figure out how they were going to communicate without his hyung.
Hanbin and Kira walked out of his room and back to the living room. Tablo was sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea. His nerves were shaken and as soon as saw Kira, it felt like he was going to pass out. The cup that he was drinking out of started to tremble from his nervous behavior.
 The cup that he was drinking out of started to tremble from his nervous behavior
"Hyung....can you ask her if her wound on her stomach is okay. Please." Tablo turned to look at Kira who stood next to Hanbin. "I'm...I'm he wants to know if you're fine." he stumbled to say.
Kira nodded her head and lifted her shirt to reveal the wounded area. Hanbin motions his hands to peel back the gauze. Once he removed and saw that the area was healed. "That can't be. This area was infected. Now it's healed." Tablo peeked over to see what Hanbin was talking about. He saw that there was blood on the gauze but the location of where it was covered over by a scar.
"Maybe you placed it in the wrong location," Tablo said. Hanbin glared at him. He knew what he saw earlier. That area was infected with pus and blood. And now it's healed.
"Ask her about this." Hanbin pointed to the now healed area. Tablo once again wanted this day to end. He wanted to go home. He didn't sign up for this.
"He wants to know why you're healed."
Kira stepped away and walked to Hanbin's bedroom. This gives Tablo enough time to relax. Kira walked back with the dagger in hand. Tablo noticed the dagger and instantly passed out.
Kira pointed to the dagger. She pressed it over her wrist. Hanbin watched as Kira cut herself. She grabbed a towel and wiped the blood away. They both watched as the area healed and closed up. Hanbin stared at the scene. He has seen some things but this was a first.
This woman standing in front of him was not normal. He didn't know what to say since his translator was passed out. He thought back at the information he read on the Dragons clan.
He wondered if the reason why no one lives to tell about this clan was because of their ability they processed.
He wondered if the reason why no one lives to tell about this clan was because of their ability they processed


(c) memorizedsightings
