Mystery Lover Ch. 21

21 ~ need help (m)
Taemin stared at Erika's belly, she was finally showing and had a doctor's appointment to find out the sex of the baby but he couldn't make it. He had a prior engagement that he couldn't cancel out of. She sat on the bed as he paced back and forth, thinking of what they should do.
"Oppa, we may have to tell someone," she said, sitting Indian-style on the bed.
He stopped pacing and turned to Erika. "But who, Erika?" Walking over to her. "Who can we trust?"
"I don't know, honestly. It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't pregnant."
Shaking his head, "no don't say that. We will get through this, someone that we can trust is out there."
Rubbing her belly, Erika thought back to someone that she remembered talking to in her past. She thought back and one name came to mind.
She turned to Taemin who must have thought of the same person.
Unfortunately, they weren't thinking of the same person but they were thinking of the couple. In which their relationship is just as private as theirs. Erika and Taemin laughed at the names that they blurted out. Erika then rested her head on his lap. Being the needed pregnant woman that she was in which Taemin wrapped his arms around her. "You're taking this pregnancy to a whole another level," he said, pulling out his phone.
She ran her fingers on his arm. "Mhm, I know."
Taemin called his friend as he waited he played with Erika's fingers as she rested her head in his lap. Finally, the phone call was connected," Hey Taemin, what's up?"
"Is it possible that Krystal and you can stop by today?"
Erika peek up to see what Jongin says to Taemin. "It may be late. Krystal has a photo shoot and we can stop by afterward."
Taemin nods his head confirming to Erika who got up from him. "Yeah....see you then, bye."
He hangs up from his friend to turn his attention to Erika. "You sure this is a good idea?"
Erika put her hands on her hip. "Do we honestly have a choice? Your schedule is getting hectic and can't have anyone getting suspicious about your privacy
"But I want to be there to find out the sex of the baby," Taemin confessed.
"Well, I'll call you once the doctor checks," she replies, stepping up to him and kissing him on the lips. Taemin returns the kiss before grabbing Erika and bringing her on the bed. Erika cries out due to the sudden gesture.
"So can we do it before they come," Taemin asked.
With a kiss in return, Erika gives him has an answer. It seems that anytime Taemin had a break in between work, he would cozy himself up to Erika. Which always lead to them doing a lot more. At first, Erika didn't mind since her stomach wasn't showing as much but as it grew her self-conscious got the best of her.
She starts to remember a two month ago when her stomach all of sudden was bigger than it was the previous month and she was moping around the place.
Taemin noticed the change in her attitude and had to ask her about it. "What's wrong, Rika?"
At first, Erika didn't want to say anything but Taemin wouldn't budge. He knew something was wrong and wanted to find out. "Come on, Rika, tell me what's wrong."
Once again hormones kicked in and she was crying. "It's this," pointing to her stomach. At that time she was four months going on five months and she was already showing.
"What's wrong with your stomach? Are you still getting nauseated?"
Erika shakes her no.
"Well, are you hungry? I can fix you something to eat."
Again Erika shakes her head.
"Then what, what's wrong?"
"My body!!"
Taemin was confused. He didn't see anything wrong with her body. Matter of fact he loved her body. Erika looked at him and she could tell he was thinking. She folds her hands over her chest. "Oppa~," she whined.
"Honestly Rika, I'm don't see anything wrong with your body."
"I do, I'm big as a house," she explained.
Taemin bust out laughing till he was crying. Erika looked on thinking to herself, 'if eyes could kill right now.'
"Why are you laughing? I'm being serious right now."
Taemin got up and engulfed Erika into his arms places kisses on top of her forehead and then kissing her lips. "You're beautiful to me, there's nothing wrong with your body. You have a baby growing inside and it just needs a little bit more room, that's all. No matter what, I will always love you no matter what shape you end up like. Because I love the person inside not what's on the outside, got it?"
Erika nods her head slowly listening to what Taemin had said to her. He smiles as he taps her nose with his finger. From his gesture, Erika hits him on his chest. "Fine I'll believe you this one time," she ended up saying.
She wraps her arms around Taemin and leans into him but only so much. "Believe me always," Taemin said, kissing her on top of her head.
Now thinking about that time Erika just giggles as the man that she loved is moving his hands all over her body. Leaving kisses in the places that he has touched until he was kissing her round stomach. The sensation aroused her and made her laugh due to being ticklish.
He slowly made his way down towards Erika's lower area. She was wearing shorts, so Taemin had to pull them off of her. He inhaled and smell her sweet aroma as it hit his nose. He tossed her shorts somewhere in the room along with her underwear.
He rubbed a finger down her slit, which caused Erika to moan out in pleasure. When he pulled away he brought some of her juices up to his mouth and tasted it. He loved the way that she taste, her juices mixed in with a hint of berries. Not waiting any longer he dived in and started licking and sucking on Erika's sweet spot.
Erika moaned and cried as Taemin ate her out like his life depends on it. She loved the way that he ran his tongue in and out of her, making her gasp for air every time. She held on as long as she could until her body couldn't take it anymore. It felt like she had exploded all that was inside of her. She clenched on Taemin's hair keeping him down there. But even if she did, Taemin wouldn't have mind, he loved being down between her legs.
Once Erika had stopped cumming, Taemin lifted his head up and moved up to Erika to allow her to taste herself. He kissed her hard on the lips running his tongue in and out of her mouth. While doing this he was starting to strip out his clothes. Erika helped him as well taking his shirt off while he unbuckles his pants.
Now clothes were being tossed all over the room as the lover were both now naked. Never breaking the kiss, Taemin guided his penis into Erika's hot spot. Erika moan in between kisses from feeling that just hit her. Taemin lay her down to the side as he held her stomach. He gently went in and out of Erika playing with her breast. That was Taemin second favorite thing about Erika.
They were definitely getting huge as he felt them in his hand. He held them in his hand and it felt like he was holding too large melons. He squeezed and pulled on them as he pumped in and out of Erika, who was loving it.
The harder and faster that Taemin hit inside of her, she kept on cumming and cumming on his penis, making a natural lubricate for the both of them.
Taemin went on and on until he couldn't hold it anymore. He came inside Erika with the hit that he gave. He held onto Erika squeezing her tightly in his arms. After the last drop, he relaxes leaving kisses on her neck, cheek, and lips.
His breathing was a little irregular at the moment but that didn't stop him from cuffing Erika and kissing her passionately on the lips. Finally, the sweaty couple held each other as time drifted by and they fell fast asleep.
Just then Taemin heard his phone go off, he glanced over to see it ringing from his pants that were across the room. He had to pry himself away from his sleepy wife and stagger off from the bed to get it. He saw who it was on the phone and quickly answer it.
"Hey Tae, Krystal just got done with her photo shoot and us on the way to your place."
"Oh good, how long will it be before you arrive?"
"It should be about thirty minutes," Jongin answered.
"Okay...see you then."
Taemin hung up the phone, placing it on his dresser. He looked over to his sleeping naked pregnant wife, who only was being covered up by a sheet. He smiled as his little friend started to raise up at attention. He could feel it rising but right now he had a situation to take care of first, so round two would have to wait until his friends leave.
He headed towards the bathroom leaving Erika to sleep until he was finished. He knew that if he woke her up now he definitely wouldn't be able to take his hands off her before his friends arrived. So separate showers at the moment were the best thing to do right now. He just hated that he had to take a cold shower.
© memorizedsightings
All rights reserved the story is mine, not the characters used.
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