Kira shut her eyes, blocking out everything that was said and focus on fighting her next opponent. The thing about the next opponent is that they have a slight history.
Their history goes back to a time when they were actually lovers.
Kira opens her eyes and stares into the eyes of the person she was about to fight as he starts to smile at her. The memory that happened between them erupts inside of Kira.
"So Kira, have you told them about us.....?"
He was now taunting her and it took everything in her to hold back what she assumed was love when they were together but turned out to be lust.
That question caused his leader to do a double take and the leader stepped over to Taeyang.
Taeyang runs his tongue on his lips, taking a step to hear what his leader had to say.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Jiyong snarled.
Taeyang chuckles out before pushing his leader away from him to get ready to fight. Emotions were already on high as it is and to throw this one into mix caused confusion on both ends.
Kira grips the handles of her katana and dagger. Her only focus was cutting the tongue out from Taeyang's mouth.
Taeyang knew that his taunting was getting to Kira and so did Kira. He takes a couple of steps up to Kira until he was close enough to reach his left hand out to caress her cheek. "We could've been the most unstoppable duo," he whispered. "But you had to fall in love with him."
Kira grunted her teeth and lodged her dagger towards Taeyang, slicing him on his right cheek.
He stepped back as he touched the right side of his face to reveal blood on his fingers. "Did I hit a nerve, princess?"
"FUCK YOU!!" Kira snapped at him.
He laughs low before mumbling out, "did that."
Everyone upstairs in the balcony area looked on, even the leader, Jiyong just stood there in shock at what he was hearing.
He rubs the tip of his forehead feeling the start of a headache happening.
"Honestly, the both of you....." Pointing to Kira and Taeyang, "need a room or something. This is just too much." He stepped away leaving the scene and walking downstairs.
Some of the guests in the club watch him and thought it was a good time to leave the club since they already saw a guy get their ass kicked.
Taeyang laughed on at his leader, the fun was now over and it was time to get to business.
"Now that I've played with you enough, its now time to get to business." He steadies himself as he got ready to engage with Kira.
It's about damn time, she thought all this ego talking was getting on her nerves. She steadies herself, waiting for the right moment to attack him.
It was quiet for a few minutes, both sides waiting for the other to attack first. Kira had her eyes locked on Taeyang never looking away.
At that moment, Kira heard a whistle sound before a dagger came flying towards her. She blocked the attack just as the Taeyang rushed at her. She quickly blocked his move pushing him back to a pillar.He smirks at her as his body hit the pillar hard.
Taeyang puckers up his lips as he trying to kiss Kira on the lips. She turns away just as an elbow knocked the wind out of her. Kira backed up some as she tried to catch her balance as she leans forward wiping away more of her blood from her mouth.
Taeyang laughs flipping his wrist before rushing to Kira who went down on one knee to blocked his attack as she punches him in the stomach. He grabbed his stomach as he stared into Kira's eyes.
"Still got it, I see."
"It was never gone." She quickly rushed to him grabbing his neck and slamming his body hard into the table.
Jiyong and TOP glanced up for a moment before running their eyes back down at the people who watched on.
"Hyung, do you think we should do something about them?" Jiyong asked.
TOP shrugs his shoulders as he played with the lighter in between his thumb and pointer finger. "They are a nuisance to the situation, aren't they? Let VI deal with them."
Jiyong was about to shake the Seungri when a loud scream came out of nowhere. Looking up, he followed the scream and saw his friend being tossed over the ledge of the balcony and down to the main floor.
TOP noticed the scene getting up and walking over to his friend. As he walked closer to Taeyang, the remaining people in the club parted for him to get closer. He lowered his body down and lifted a Taeyang's eyelid.
He then placed his hand over Taeyang's nose before slapping his friend on the side of the face.
Taeyang regaining conscious started to get up but once again rolled back out of it. "Damn, she did a number on you."
"I'm not done yet!" He mumbles
TOP turned him up to see Kira jumping off from the second floor and down to the first floor of the club. The people who were in her way quickly moved to let her pass. She came close enough for TOP to see that she still had her weapons out and was ready to attack him.
TOP smiled at the corner of his mouth before standing up, dusting his hands off and slipping them in his trench coat's pocket.
"Princess, I'm not going to fight you," he said, walking towards Kira.
Kira froze at his statement not moving an inch towards him.
"If I wanted to kill you, it would have already been done." He was finally close enough for Kira to feel his breath on her.
"Your father knows how important you are, so if we kill you. Well, that would mean death to us and the rest of our clan." Kira lowered her weapons down some but just enough to listen to what TOP was saying. "You just don't know how special you are. If you knew would you still protect him?"
Listening, Kira turned back and looked at the frightening eyes of Hanbin who was staring back at her. TOP chuckled before pulling out one of his hands and placing it on Kira's head. He drew her in closer to him as he whispered into Kira's ear. "Your death would make you stronger."
At that moment, Kira felt a piercing sting hit her abdomen. "Shh, princess, I'm doing you a favor."
Then another penetration hit Kira again causing her entire to get weak."If I was you I wouldn't scream."
Hearing those words. Kira bit down on her bottom lip to stop herself from screaming and causing a scene in the club. "It burns doesn't it?"
Kira nodded her head slowly.
Jiyong and Seungri walked over and noticed the appearance of dagger slipped inside Kira. They smiled before quickly rushing over to their wounded friend, Taeyang. "Now tell them to leave with everyone else." He ordered from Kira.
He gradually pushed the dagger more into Kira as she held back from screaming. "Hanbin!Bobby! Go now!"
From her call, both Hanbin and Bobby ran down the stairs but first stopped in front of the group. The way that they were position neither boy could see the dagger inserted in Kira.
"Will you be okay?" Hanbin asked with a concerned look.
All Kira could do was nod her head. TOP flashed his fiery red eyes to the brothers. "Go and take them with you." As he directed them to take the rest of the people who remain in the club.
Bobby quickly did as he was told but Hanbin hesitated for a moment. "We'll come back for you, okay."
After they left to escort the club attendees out, TOP pulled the dagger out from Kira and she dropped to her knees. He lifted the blade staring at the blood as it drains down from the dagger. He was infatuated with Kira's blood as it sizzled on his blade by the poison. A part of him wanted to touch it but at the same time, he was warned that whatever he do, don't touch her blood.
He moved the dagger away swiping it a couple of times to remove Kira's blood before placing it back in his coat.
He gracefully walks to Kira as she held her side. Just like the last time she was paralyzed and was unable to do anything. TOP lifted up her chin so he could stare into her eyes.
Before he could say anything his leader called out to him.
"Hyung we got to go and grab Daesung," Jiyong ordered.
TOP turned on his heels lifting up his friend and leaving the dying Kira alone in the club
Once the club was cleared out, Hanbin and Bobby ran back inside. They weren't sure of what would be the outcome of Kira. They slowly walked back into the main floor of the club and could not believe their eyes.
Tables and chairs were tossed all over the place and some were even broken as well. Mirrors that were on the wall were either broken on the way or laying on floor shattered into small pieces.
Bobby placed his hands on top of his head as couldn't believe that his favorite place to chill was basically gone. Hanbin also looked around but he was looking for Kira. He turned his eyes and noticed her sitting in one of the booths with her head down.
Hanbin rushed over to her and gently shook her. She jumped up in a flash with her dagger in hand. Hanbin quickly put up his hands to let her know it was him.
"Kira, it's me, Hanbin," he said.
Once she realized it was Hanbin, Kira drew back her weapon and tried to steady herself up with her katana.
Hanbin tried to help her up but she pushed him away. She didn't want them to know that she was injured in the fight. Hanbin backed away allowing Kira to come out from the booth area.
She provided him with a smile to let him know that she was fine. Hanbin smiled back but was still worried about Kira.
"If you need help, I can help you," Hanbin said.
Kira waved her hands up in the air. "I'm fine, just exhausted."
Bobby then rushed over to them. "Hey, uh...I hate to break up this love reunion but I think I hear the cops."
Hanbin was about to tell Bobby off when just at that moment Kira lost her balance. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she dropped to the floor.
(c) memorizedsightings
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