"You were raped," Dr. Song said sadly.
Instantly, I shot up from my bed hearing that sentence. I assumed that I was in a dream well more of a nightmare until I saw the IV coming from my right hand and the hissing sounds of the machines. I leaned back in the bed that I in and once again started to cry.
Fresh tears started to roll down my face. I was raped but why? I thought it was wise for me to live with a family while I went to school. At least I would feel safer but I guess no matter where you go you are never safe.
I tried to my side and curled up into a ball. The pain in my abdomen hit me as I changed my position but at the moment all I wanted to was disappear. Right at that moment, the noise coming from my room's door open and I could hear clicking sounds coming up to me.
"Zaya, are you okay?" The familiar female voice asked.
At first, I just wanted to ignore it so I closed my eyes. But their hand rested on my shoulder and the feeling of being wanted came back to me. I slowly turned my body and stared back at the woman who was in the room.
"Oh my dear child, what happened?" She asked me.
I open my mouth but no sound came out. She then placed her small hands on my brown cheek. She then wrapped her other arm around my body in comforting me as I did the same. Even if I wanted to stop the tears from falling down my face I couldn't.
Just then the door to my room open up once again and in walked another familiar person. It was the woman's son. He stood with a banquet of flowers as he walked over to place them next to my bed. "Unnie, are you okay?"
The only thing I could do is nod my head. Not because I wanted to but because I needed to. By then the woman had already pulled away from me and was sitting on the bed next to me. "The doctor already told us some of what happened to you but I couldn't imagine this happened to you."
All I could do is lower my head, feeling ashamed. Did I do something wrong? Was GOD punishing me for doing something wrong? "You know you didn't do anything wrong, so stop thinking that you did?"
I looked up and stared at the woman. It was like she was in my mind and answering the questions that I was asking. I just slowly nodded my head understanding that I didn't do anything wrong for this to happen to me.
As everyone was talking Dr. Kim walked in with a chart in hand. He noticed the two people sitting around me as he walked over. "You must be the family that Ms. Gibson is staying with, am I correct?"
Mrs. Lee got up and adjusting her purse and bowed down to the doctor. "I am, my name is Mrs. Soo Young Lee and this is my son, Lee Jooheon. Are you the one that contacted me about Zaya?" She asked him.
Dr. Kim nodded his head. "I am, right now we want to keep her for another day just to monitor her injuries and she should me fine to leave to go home. I don't want her to do any heavy lifting or strenuous activities until she sees me in a week. Do you have any questions for me?"
Mrs. Lee turned her body to look at Zaya who was staring out at the window as she picked her fingers. "No I believe everything should be fine, thank you for taking of her."
Mrs. Lee then bowed as Dr. Kim did the same before walking out of the room. Jooheon who was leaning on the wall watched as Zaya stared out to the sky. He felt bad for her as she was in a foreigner place and to have something like this happened to her.
He stepped over to her and placed his hand on top of hers. Zaya jumped at the slight jester. "Unnie, I am here for you of you need anything, okay?"
Zaya gives him a small smile as she patted his hand before pulling her's away. Jooheon let out a soft sigh as he turned to face his mom who was just stared at Zaya.
It was the next day and Zaya was finally well enough to be discharged from the hospital. She was placed in a wheelchair as she was wheeled out from her room and down to the main floor. Mrs. Lee walked down with her as her son waited by the vehicle for them.
They finally made it to the vehicle and a staff employee helped them place Zaya inside the vehicle. As they drove back to the house, Zaya started to close her eyes and slowly images of what happened two nights ago started to appear. She could notice the person face forming in front of her as she tried to squeeze it from her memory.
His face continued to form as Zaya frantically screamed out. Mrs. Lee quickly pulled the car over and jumped out of the vehicle and rushed to the side that Zaya was on. She tried grabbing Zaya's hands as she was clawing at her eyes. "Zaya, calm down. It's going to be okay."
"No, no it's not. I can see him! I can his face!" She hysterically cried out.
"Jooheon, help me, please?" Mrs. Lee begged her son. He quickly got out of the seat that he was in and tried to help his mom calm down the scared Zaya. Finally, after 30 minutes, Zaya calm down enough for Jooheon and his mother to release her.
Zaya leaned back on the side of the car and stares soulless out to distance like she was in a trance. Mrs. Lee concerning looked at the girl and was kind of scared as to why the child just stopped fighting and now look lost and not with the.
"Mom, I don't think Zaya is okay," Jooheon said, scratching the back of his head.
Mrs. Lee wrapped her arms around herself, " I don't think so either."
© memorizedsightings
All rights reserved the story is mine, not the characters used. I just wanted to put faces with the characters in the story.
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