It was the six o'clock in the morning and everyone was up to wish those who were leaving a farewell departure. It sucked that all of them couldn't go together but some of them had to stay behind.
Suho didn't sleep wink. His mind kept going on the fact that Hanbin was last of white Dragon.
He laughed to himself each time he said it. "Maybe that's the reason why Kira didn't say anything."
Suho chuckled to himself. There was only one person who always scared him. "But now were heading to rescue her. Never imagined that in a million years."
Kris huffed and patted his leader. "Neither would I, my friend."
At that moment, the group that was heading out came out of the house along with Bobby. "Whoa, whoa you're not coming with us."
Suho pushed back Bobby in the house. "I know I can't go." Suho nodded before removing his hand off from Bobby's chest.
"Well, I'm glad we got that settled. Okay, Kai, I hope you're ready."
Kai stepped up in front of everyone. He wobbled a little before standing up straight. "Okay, everyone grabs the person in front of you. Oh and one more thing your stomach may feel a little weird, so I'm landing us out about a mile from the Dragon colony."
Kai closed his eyes as he chanted the words that will take the rescue team to Japan. The more that Kai chanted the brighter the circle got around the group. Once he stopped a flash of light blinded the team that was home. They all covered their eyes until the light was gone. Left behind was the burnt layer of grass.
Kai brought the rescue team safely to Japan but safely wasn't the right set of words some of them wanted to use. Luhan, Tao, and Sehun rushed over to the nearest bushes and threw up the content in their stomach.
"I told you that would happen," chuckled Kai.
Sehun snarled as he rushed back over to the bush.
Suho adjusted his gear as he used his eyes to view their whereabouts.
"Alright, like Kai stated we're about a mile from the Dragon's camp. We need to find Kira as quickly as possible and teleport out of here before we are noticed. Got it?"
The group answered back by revealing their weapons to show that they were ready. Suho side smiled as he pulled out his weapon as well. "Here we come, Kira."
Back at the house, Lay and the remaining members were helping with anything that he needed. The members did everything and anything to keep Lay going as long as he could but Lay could only go for so long.
He was slowly weakening from healing Hanbin's wounds. Bobby stayed by his brother's side wiping away the sweat that was building up over his body.
"Guys, I need to rest." Lay weakly said.
He turned to Bobby who was wringing out the towel that he just used to wipe away Hanbin's forehead.
"I'm sorry but I need a break." Lay looked over at Hanbin who was moaning in his sleep. Just as Lay stopped the healing process another wound appeared on Hanbin's neck. Bobby got up and was heading out to get the first aid kit when he was stopped by Chanyeol. Chanyeol was coming into the room with the first aid kit in hand. He smiled as he placed his hand on Bobby's shoulder.
"Lay go ahead and rest. I'll help out with what I can do until you are better," he said.
Lay got up from the chair that he was sitting in and steady himself as he walked out of the room and towards the couch to rest. Bobby leaned on the wall as he watched Chanyeol open of the first aid kit. He pulled some gauze out and started to wrap out Hanbin's neck to stop the bleeding. "Tell me about your brother."
Bobby moved his head towards Chanyeol, "Huh?"
Chanyeol chuckled out loud. "Tell me about Hanbin."
Bobby rubbed the back of his head as he thought about his brother. "Well, he is very persisted. Even though he is not good at what he does, it doesn't stop him from giving up. When he first met Kira, most of us didn't want to have anything to do with her but that didn't stop him. He helps clean up her wounds and got to know her. I still think she crazy but he sees something more about her."
Chanyeol listens to what Bobby was saying. "Well let's hope they are able to get her back because Lay can only do so much."
Bobby nodded his head as he tried to hold back tears that were forming up in his eyes. 'Hang in there, Hanbin.'
A startled Kira was woken up by a dash of water to the face. Dazed and confused you looked around her surrounding. To her defeat her father had her hung up by her arms on a pole in the middle of the clan site. It had the way of punishing those who disobey him.
The ropes on her wrist were leaving bruises and making it hard for her to untie them. She stared up at the sky to reveal the depth of rain clouds coming in soon.
She thought to herself that she would either die by the hands of her father or by starvation whichever came first. She remembered a couple of days ago before arriving at the camp finding a small wolf who looked lost to find out that it was a shapeshifter.
She was shocked at first since this was the first time she has ever seen one up close. He was kind and to tell her what she needed to know before leaving. But she made sure that she provided him with some detail information before he left.
She smiled knowing that the group that she left behind wouldn't listen and would come for her. But to know this it only meant that they were heading for their death. Kira tried to shake that imagine out of her head but it kept coming back. No matter where she went death followed her.
As she was thinking, the door to the head cabin flung open and out walked her father with a group of guys with him. They all stared at her before following behind her father.
"So this is the new group you have helping you now!" Kira yelled out.
That made her father stop in his track and also the group that he was with. He turned his head and proceeded over to this daughter. He stared long and hard at her. The cuts and bruises were all over her body and she was drenched in sweat and dirt.
He lifted his hand and squeezed his daughter's face. Kira tried to pull away from him but he squeezed harder. He wanted to make sure that she knew that he was in charged. "I wouldn't have to send out them if you just tell me where he is."
Kira spits on his face given him her answer.
He closed his eyes as he used his hand to wipe away the spit that was on his face. He moved his hand down and pull out his dagger. All eyes watched as Kira's father took the dagger and slide it on his daughter's face.
Kira screamed out in pain as her father cut her making a new wound on her body. As Kira's father moved the dagger away fresh blood drained down her face. Not being able to stop the blood from pouring it drained down onto Kira and onto the ground.
"Next time it will be your tongue." Her father warned her.
He stepped away from Kira to show the cruelty of a father he was to his own daughter.
All was being seen from above from Kris, who saw all that was going on. It was a disgusting sight to see what a father could do to his own daughter without an ounce of care. He jumped down as Luhan stopped the fog.
Kris quickly rushed back to the group to tell them what he saw.
"How is she?" Suho wondered.
Kris shook his head, revealing that Kira wasn't good. "She basically on her last bit of strength. I don't think she can make it another day."
Suho slammed his palm into the tree that was behind him. "That means that Hanbin doesn't have long either. It's now or never, we've got to get her out of there."
The group nodded as they headed towards the gates to get Kira.
As they group quickly rushed to the gates, Xiumin and Luhan lead the way by causing a scene to hide. Luhan stirred up the air making it hard for the guards in front to see who was coming up to them. Once they couldn't see the group, Xiumin froze them as Tao knocked them out.
From there Kai was able to transport everyone inside of the gates.
Once everyone split up into a group to head more into the compound. They were quick to get closer until everyone was near Kira. Tao was the first to reach Kira who was moaning from the lack of blood.
Tao gently tapped Kira's cheek to get her attention. "Yah,'s Tao, we're here to get you out."
Kira moved her head from side to side as her eyes tried to open up. From her blurry vision, she could see Tao trying to cut her down. Her eyes flash open quickly.
"No don't." She demanded from Tao.
Tao put his finger up to his lips to tried to hush her but she kept twisting and turning making it hard for him to cut the ropes. "Shit. Kira, just let me do this."
He continued to cut the ropes when an arrow came heading their way. It hit Tao's hand as he cried out in pain.
Both Tao and Kira turned to see where the arrow came from.
"You got to get out of here, Tao." Kira pleaded.
Tao used his other hand to pull out the arrow but it was in too deep. He was stuck and couldn't get out.
That moment, the group from before came out and walked towards Tao and Kira. "Do you honestly think we would leave her alone without any supervision?"
It was at that moment, Tao knew that he was fucked.
The leader waved his finger in the air, motioning for some of the members to rush out and attack Tao.
Five of the members raced towards Kira and Tao but were stopped by Luhan and Xiumin who appeared out of nowhere fighting the five. During the fighter, Sehun arrived over to Kira and Tao to help them out.
He winked before pulling out the arrow from Tao's hand releasing him and allowing him to cut the rest of the rope.
From the last cut, Kira was finally released and Sehun caught her placing her on his back.
"I'll take her, help the others!" yelled Sehun as he turned to take the weak Kira away.
Tao nodded before heading over to Luhan and Xiumin who were still fighting the five members.
Tao position himself along with Luhan and Xiumin who had just got down taking down two of the three members.
Luhan nod to Tao as he smiles getting ready to fight the three remaining members.
"It's been a long time since I've been in a good fight. I am so going to love this." Tao proclaimed as he whipped out his knives to fight the guy in front of him.
The guy in front of Tao smiled as he pulled out his weapons to fight along with Tao. "It's also a pleasure to fight the mighty Tao."
Both sides circled themselves before rushing towards each other clashing swords and weapons back in front.
Sehun, who had Kira on his back was quickly racing to get to the main gates where Kai was waiting for them. They were 10 ft from the entrance when the leader from the SVT group appeared in front of them. He smirked at the startled Sehun as more of his men appeared around Sehun and Kira.
"Shit," Sehun shouted.
"You're not taking her anywhere!" S. Coup yelled out.
Sehun who basically was no match to fight alone due to having Kira on his back.
He looked around seeing his hyungs and Tao still fighting the other group members. He turned to look around to see where Kris and Suho were.
He didn't see them anywhere in the compound. "Damn, what to do?"
The member called Vernon stepped forward to Sehun, "give us Kira or you will die where you stand."
Sehun lowered the now unconscious Kira on the ground. He pulled out his weapon ready to fight for his life if he had to.
All the remaining members of SVT turned to their leader as he nodded for them to attack. The order allowed the members to rush to Sehun to fight and get back Kira. As he was about to fight his first opponent, Kris appeared in front of Sehun to block the attack.
Sehun stepped back from the instant impact. "Hyung?!"
Kris was sweating with blood coming from the side of his face. He had just got done helping the others when he noticed Sehun was in dangerous. He ran as fast as he could to block the attack before it hit Sehun.
Kris was panting from holding back three people who were in the process of attacking Sehun.
"Get her the fuck out of here, now," Kris demanded from Sehun.
Sehun quickly puts away his weapon and swiftly picked up Kira to get her out of dangerous.
Kris turned back to the three people he was holding back. His eyes flashed the amber orange colors as he pushed back the three away from him.
The three stumbled back as they were in shock of how powerful this person was.
Kris smirks as he waved his sword in the air.
He brought his sword out to the leader waving for him to bring it. S.Coup stepped back to signal his members to go forward and fight Kris.
Sehun was cradling Kira was almost to the gates. He could see Kai waving for him to get to him as fast as possible. Just as he was about to make it an arrows started to fly down in front of him causing him to stumble back on the ground.
He turned to see someone that was not from the same group as the ones before.
Sehun looked up to see that it was a woman who was shooting the arrows. "I'm sorry but I can't let you leave with her."
Sehun groaned out loud. "Fuck! Kira, I hope you're worth all of this."
The woman hopped down from the roof that she was on and came towards Sehun. She had now switched from her bow and arrows to now two pistols ready to use them.
All Sehun had was his sword and he knew that he wouldn't be able to block any of her bullets. He rubbed the back of his head. "Why did I get stuck with getting Kira back?"
The woman lowered one of her pistols as he used the other one to rub the top of her temple. "I can let you leave but she stays."
Sehun shook his head to no and got ready to fight the woman in front of him. As he was about to fight the woman, a scream caused everyone to stop and look to where the scream was coming from.
It was Kira.
She was awake and screaming due to a stab to the abdomen. It was from her own father. He smiles to everyone as they all lowered their weapons.
"That's it," her father said. "Everyone lowers your weapons or she dies."
Not having any other choice, Xiumin, Tao, Sehun, Kris, and Luhan dropped their weapons.
He heads inside towards the cabin, but before leaving he turns back to the SVT group leader.
"Kill them all," he ordered.
S.Coup complied as he rounds up the group to get them ready for their deaths.
All of the members were tied up and position to be killed as soon as possible.
Kris spit out some of the blood that was in his mouth. "Well, we knew that this was a suicide mission."
All of the members nodded their heads. It was so, they all knew that coming to the Dragon liar was a death mission but in the end, they were happy that they tried their best to get Kira out and also try to save Hanbin.
They were all lined up waiting to meet their death when an uproar was being caused in the South Gates. They turned their heads and noticed men being thrown up in the air and tossed from side to side.
Dirt and dust were causing everyone to be able to see what was going on. As the dust cleared they noticed the person coming into view.
It was Suho.
"Sorry, guys I'm late. Had to set up some bombs back there."
He points to the South Gates who were being bombed from his action. Some of the SVT members rushed to Suho who waved his hands in the air causing the ground below to open and knock them inside of it. He saw the woman with the bow and arrow and made a dust storm to block her view so she wouldn't be able to see the activities down below.
Suho quickly rushed to his members untying their ropes. "Where's Kira?"
Kris who was the first to be freed pointed to the main cabin. Suho nodded his head as he rushed to the front door. "Get them unloose and meet me inside."
Kris thumbed up Suho and hurried to untie the others before following his comrade. They slowly walked til they could hear the cry of Kira. Suho and Kris looked at each other before stealthy heading to the room that Kira was in.
At the corner of their eyes, they could see Kira being tortured by her father. "Where is he, Kira?!" He demanded to know.
Kira didn't say anything but scream when the hot coal hit her skin. Both Suho and Kris turned their head from the blood-curdling scream.
"It's now or never, huh?" Suho placed his hand out for Kris to slap. Kris slapped Suho's hand as they slide open the door and rushed to rescue Kira.
They punched out the guards that were inside as they made their way to Kira. Her father was quick to move out of harm's way before either Kris or Suho could get to him. As Suho went to grab Kira, Kris rushed to Kira's father tackling him down to the ground.
Suho picked up Kira as she swung her arms over his shoulders. They struggle out of the room and out to the main hall where more guards showed up. Suho turned Kira who wasn't sure if they would be able to fight them due to her condition.
"Do you think you can fight?" Suho questioned.
Kira scoffed as she smiles to Suho.
Kris who was still fighting Kira's father was no match for him. Even Kris knew that but it would buy Kira and Suho time to get out as quickly as possible.
Every time that Kris went to hit Kira's father in the face, he would counterattack and hit with a defensive move.
It was to the point that Kris didn't know if he would come out alive. He was too weak to fight anymore and Kira's father knew that. He was now gripping Kris's neck into a chokehold.
"You're fighting is impressive but you're on the wrong side, kid." He acknowledges.
Kris laughed low as he struggled to get out of the move grip. "No, I'm definitely on the right side."
From that comment, Kira's father twisted Kris's neck causing the man's body to go limp. He tossed it to the side as he got up and walked out of the room to find his daughter.
"No, kid you're were definitely on the wrong side."
Outside the compound, Suho and Kira were fighting their way out of the place. The group was also following behind them as Luhan stood behind to kept those from reaching them.
Right behind Kira and Suho was Tao and Xiumin, Xiumin was injured by one of the flying arrows and needed to get help as soon as possible. Everyone could see Kai and try to get to him before they were attacked any further.
Finally making it to Kai, Suho tossed Kira to him as he rushed back to help Tao. As he quickly ran up to Tao and Xiumin, Tao pushed his brother out to Suho. "Go, hyung!"
Suho who was confused as to why Tao was telling him to go. "Come on, Tao. We got to get out of here."
Tao shook his head no as he moved his head down to where his hand was holding an open wound. "Tao! NO! Please, come on, Lay can help you."
Tao backed away from Suho as he turned to head back and help Luhan. Luhan turned back to see Suho also looking at him. "Go now, we can hold them off, just get Kira and the rest out of here."
Tears started to fall down Suho face as Sehun grabbed his arm to pull him back as Luhan and Tao guarded the door to hold off everyone from coming their way.
The two members turned to look at each other as pulled out their weapons to fight the SVT members who were coming towards them.
Sehun who had pulled his hyung in slammed the gates shut as Kai quickly teleported everywhere away from the scene.
Moments later, Kira's father came storming out of the main cabin to see the disarray from the attack that just happened. He kicked over the dead bodies as he stepped out to the main grounds.
In his view he saw the members of the SVT group, bringing over the badly wounded Luhan and Tao.
"Is this all that's remaining?" Kira's father asked
The leader of SVT nodded his head as his members tossed the members down in front of Kira's father.
"KILL THEM!!" He ordered.
Kira's father turned to the remaining soldiers. They were breathing heavily from the fight that they just went through. He picked up a spear that was close to him and threw it to the location where his daughter was tied up.
His eyes showed a great deal of betrayal from his daughter's actions. "If it's WAR she wants, then it's WAR she'll get!!"
(c) memorizedsightings
(c) memorizedsightings
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