Kira stepped through the portal as she tossed the necklace that held the key wrapped around it. She walked until she arrived at the nearest chair and sat with her hands covering her face.
"I hope you're happy?" She mumbled but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear her.
One of the Guardians walked over to her, who had caught the necklace that she had tossed.
"Pretty much," Hongbin back to Kira.
Kira shot up and looked at the Guardian who had answered her. It was Hongbin. "We are happy that you retrieved the key back but not to those who lost their lives to get it."
Kira sighed heavy as she got up and walked over to the pool and lowered her body down to it. She placed her fingers in the pool making it ripple. As the ripples ripped through small imagines appeared in front of her.
She slighted her head to the side as imagines of those who died and the ones who were still living came into view.
"The dead doesn't always stay dead. They continue to live inside you," said Leo.
"How is that possible. They risk their lives for me. For me!"
Leo lowered himself next to Kira as he swished the water to change the imagine in front of them. He caused the imagine to now show those who were still living preparing for battle. "What's going on?" Kira questioned.
"Umm, I thought you didn't care about what is going on."
Kira stared at the scene. "Why are they getting ready for battle?"
"Oh, that. Your father's coming but that's not important."
Kira rubbed her shoulder. "I care but what can I do? I'm here."
"Those that are left living are fighting for those that have dead fighting to recuse you. We can only do so much but you can do a lot more?"
Kira was confused at his statement. "What can I do."
Ken walked over to Leo and Kira and folded his arms across his shoulder. "You die."
Kira looked at Ken. Her violet eyes blazing from what he said. "What do you mean I die. After all, I've been through, I'm just supposed to die?"
Ken nodded his head and walked away back to his book he was reading. Kira turned her eyes back to Leo. "Is that true, I just die?"
Leo nodded his head just the same as he got up from the ground and walked away from Kira.
Kira jumped down on the ground feeling defeated. She is now finding out that if she goes back it would mean her death.
But was she willing to do that after everything that she has gone through? She turned to look at the imagine of Suho and the others prepping and getting ready to fight her father. She waved her arms over the water to change it to Hanbin who was back in the bedroom upset over everything that has happened. Kira knew that Hanbin felt what she felt and knew that she wasn't coming back but he knew the reason and couldn't tell.
She saw in the pool that a tear was slowly was falling down Hanbin's cheek. She raised her arm out to touch it but the imagine in front of her disappeared and the pool was back to its normal.
She folded her arms over her body. How things were going she pretty much had less than a week to decide what to do.
She got up from the ground and walked away to a secluded place to think.
The Guardians watched her disappeared as they turned their heads to looked at each other.
"You know she's going to decide to go," Hyuk said.
The others nodded their heads to his statement. It was already decided before hand that Kira would take the step to fight and most likely not come back alive.
The Guardians knew that both could not tell Kira more than what she needed to know. She must make the decision on her own no matter what the outcome is.
N took the key that Kira brought in and unlocked the chains that held them back from doing more of their magic.
The clicking sound from the locks shattering in front of them. The key along with the locks disappeared as they were now free to go anywhere they wanted to.
But where would they go they have spent most of their lives chained up in this area not knowing what the outside was like?
They all turned their heads to the location of where Kira went off to and decided that it would be best to wait it out until that time comes.
(c) memorizedsightings
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