Missy ᴘᴏᴠ
After closing the door to my boss's office, I felt defeated worst than how I already felt before.
I grasp the folder that was provided for me for my first mission.
Who is to blame for me being spineless and not saying no to his right request, I thought.
He was right.
Of course, he was right, he was the one that recruited me.
I remember laying in my bed, it was a little after one. I dropped out of college due to being bullied all the time.
So here I was still living with my parents and sleeping later and later each day. Finally, my father couldn't take it anymore.
"Melissa Nicole Greene!" he yelled out down the hall.
Damn, he said my full name this is not good. Maybe if cover my entire body in my blankets it will all disappear.
Who am I fooling?
I heard the force of my bedrooms door push open and movement heading towards my bed. I could hear him huffing and puffing coming from above me.
Just then, my blankets were pulled off of me. It's a good thing I was wearing decent pajamas.
"You can't pretend forever, " my father said.
I slowly lifted one eye up to see my father staring back at me with my mother looking in.
Her eyes saying I'm sorry, sweetheart, I can't help you this time. I exhaled bringing my weak body up and sliding it to the foot of the bed.
My head hanging low, not wanting to meet my father's piercing eyes.
"Missy, you can't continue laying in bed for the rest of your life." He started off saying. I'm thinking why can't I? But sure didn't want to say it to him. "I'll give you two choices either go into the military or become an agent like me." Honestly, I never knew what my father did. He never talked about it. I was very curious about what my father used to do. "I guess I'll go with option two." Sticking up two fingers in the air.
Two days later, I was on a bus to wherever there was. I was nervous. Twisting the straps of my travel bag over and over.
As soon as I arrived it was nonstop training. Day and night they trained us on everything and anything. Many nights I was sore to the bone. How was I able to withstand all of this? I didn't even know myself.
It was crazy that I enjoy this more than going to college. Maybe because it took more than just brains. Finally, it was last month of training, we had to put all of your skills to the test. I was able to score high in all three areas: combat, gun, and knowledge.
My father was proud of me and was able to get me into the division he was in.
What I thought would be an awesome division turned out that it was a dog eat dog area. To get respect you had to gain respect. To Missy, this felt like high school once more and I was back to being the outsider looking in. The mutt of the pact.
So here we are now. I'm being forced to be everyone's errand girl, just because I can't say no.
I basically had to push myself off of my boss's door and drag my body towards my desk. While walking it felt like I was being held back by a ton of bricks.
Finally making it to my desk, I pulled my chair back and placed my heavy body in the chair. I dropped the folder on my desk and looked at it.
Did I do something in my previous life to have a life like this? I wondered.
Just then, all of my weight went forward and my head was on my desk. Up and down I slammed my head on the desk.
Maybe if I slammed it really hard I could knock myself unconscious. "Just have to find the right spot, " I said to myself.
I start to think of what my training instructor taught us. Finding your opponent's sweet area to knock them out. Just when I remember a warm touch stop me from knocking my head on the cold desk.
"Damn. You have a hard head, " the familiar voice said. I could see his tan hand retracting back once I had finally stopped.
I moved my head to see Hyunwoo holding his right hand with his left hand rubbing the sore area. I rubbed the now throbbing area with my hand to minimize the pain.
"Why did you stop me?" I asked him. He looked at me with a concern look like I was a child. "people were starting to look,"
I looked around the department, he was right, the people in the department were looking at me. You might as well add the world's biggest idiot to my resume. I wanted to climb into a box and ship myself anywhere but here. "So embarrassing," I said placing my hands over my face. Hyunwoo chuckled out loud at my comment. "It's not that bad, " he managed to say. I looked at Hyunwoo how could he say something like that? He was everything I basically wasn't. As soon as he came in which I could say right along with me, all of the senior agents took him under their wing. Where I was handed paperwork and jobs to do in the department.
"you can say it's not that bad since you don't get pushed around," I snapped at him. His smile faded and he was now giving me his sad puppy face. I scoffed it off as I lean down to look for my aspirin. Ignoring me he grabbed for the folder that had my mission intel. "so what did he give you?" he asked even though he was already skimming through the papers. "interesting, " he said closing the folder back up.
Popping two pills in my mouth and washing it down with water I had on my desk, "how is this interesting?" my mission is to go back to school, befriend some rich boy and keep him safe. Yeah so interesting. "I always wanted to go back to school." He said.
I side eyed him, "your kidding right?"
He moved his head back over to me and shook his head no. "high school for me was fun. What about you, Lissa?" I sucked my teeth hearing him call me Lisaa. He was the only person who called me that.
I even asked him not to but he still called me that. Taking a sip of water, "high school was hell for me. I was happy to graduate and never look back." Hyunwoo stared at me for a long time till a screeching voice came over.
"So our errand girl got her first mission?" Hyunwoo and I turned our heads in so behold it was Krystal. Miss, I'm the best better than the rest. I rolled my eyes and started to feel a sharp pain coming back. "So the boss gave you a mission? He must be desperate," She implied.
Krystal tried to grab the folder but Hyunwoo was quicker snatching it away from her. I just looked at the two of them. Whatever was going on I didn't want to have any part of.
I then took the folder from Hyunwoo and placed it in my drawer making sure to keep it away from everyone.
Krystal was startled by what Hyunwoo did, "well I didn't want to see it anyway." Trying to save face. She got up from off my desk and headed in the opposite direction to speak with some of the other agents. Before she left she gave me a death glare, as she told me to stay away from Hyunwoo.
I stared back at her implying if you want him, you can have him. He's not mine, to begin with.
"so what are you going to do?" Hyunwoo asked snapping me back into reality. I shrugged my shoulder what was I to do. I didn't know much about what goes on in schools these days. I was the quiet one. I for once had to fit in to get to my mission how was supposed to do that?
From all of these questions, I asked myself, I collapse once more on my desk ready to pound my head.
"I can help you if you like," Hyunwoo said smiling at me.
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