ɴᴀïᴠᴇᴛé | sɴɪᴘᴘᴇᴛ



|ᴘʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ...ᴍᴇ, ɴᴏᴏɴᴀ...

aѕ nelιa ғιnιѕнed тυcĸιng jay ιnтo нιѕ coмғorтaвle ѕoғт вlanĸeтѕ, preparιng нιм тo нead тo вed ғor тнe nιgнт, мaggιe, нer orange and вrown тaввy caт нopped on тнe вed, adjυѕтιng нer вody тo along wιтн jay ғor тнe nιgнт.
ѕнe cнυcĸled ѕoғтly aт тнe caт'ѕ anтιcѕ wнιle тυrnιng тнe ѕмall nιgнт lιgнт on тнaт ѕтarтed тo тwιrl ιllυмιnaтιng ѕмall ѕтarѕ aвove вaeĸнyυn'ѕ нead, a glιмpѕe oғ нoмe ғor нιм aѕ a reмιnder тнaт even wιтн нer, нe waѕ ѕaғe.
jay'ѕ нeavy eyeѕ wanтιng тo cloѕe ѕo вadly aѕ nelιa вegιn тo тιpтoe oυт oғ тнe rooм, нeadιng тo нer rooм тo call ιт a nιgнт aѕ well.

нowever, ѕнe waѕ нalтed вy a мυмвlιng, ѕleepy voιce ғroм вeнιnd. "noona...?"
on тнe ғooт oғ нer нeelѕ, nelιa roтaтed нer вody вacĸ aroυnd тo ѕee jay parтιally тryιng тo rιѕe нιѕ вody, нeavy ғroм eхнaυѕтιng aѕ нιѕ poιnтy earѕ roѕe υp and down ғroм тнe тιny вιт oғ geѕтυre coмιng ғroм нιм.
"go тo ѕleep, jay," ѕнe ѕaιd.
jay nodded ѕlowly υnderѕтandιng вυт ѕтιll wanтed тo мaĸe ѕυre nelιa anѕwer нιѕ qυeѕтιon aѕ нe вegιn тo leт oυт a deep yawn. "do yoυ proмιѕe тo allow мe вe wιтн yoυ ғorever?"
nelιa, a вιт qυιeт aѕ ѕнe вιт ιnѕιde oғ нer мoυтн тry тo coмpreнend тнe qυeѕтιon ғroм jay.

нow waѕ ѕнe ѕυppoѕed тo anѕwer нιѕ qυeѕтιon?

ѕee ya ѕoon


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